Okay- first off please forgive my horrendous photography skills today. I was so hungry I took three bites before I remembered you guys might actually want to see what it looks like.
Lately I've been eating nothing but junk and nachos and tater tots and frito pies and more junk, so today I decided to (kind of) eat healthy. And by "healthy" I mean vegan fast food! I fell in love with Foodswings the first time I ever had their Daiya Cheese Fries (the same brand of cheese they use to make all of those Amy's products your yoga friend is obsessed with) and have taken all of my friends there at least a million times since.
Today I ordered the Chicken Caesar Salad. It came with black olives, tomato & cucumbers and it was perfect. Sometimes you get caesar salads and it's like you're eating a bowl of dressing but that definitely wasn't the case with this one. Also, I don't know how the hell they manage to make soybeans taste like fried chicken but it's pretty magical. For desert I had their Crunchberries Milkshake that's made of cookies and strawberry ice cream (which I usually HATE). It tasted like they found an ice cream truck, bought four of those strawberry Good Humor bars and threw them in a blender!
Sometimes I get stuck ordering the same thing at the same places just because I know they won't go wrong, but I can honestly say I get something different every single time I'm here. Next time- Buffalo Drumsticks. Rony and about 20 of my friends swear by them.
See you Wednesday :-)
<3 Ash