This is a table at the very large St. Ouen flea market - this is how everyone seems to eat lunch there. One of the vendors busts out the table and sets it properly - table cloth, steak knives, wine, bread, etc. I'd love to know - Who brings the food? Do they rotate? Do they email each other about it? (No way, right?) Is there a similar situation in big French offices?
I really am fond of this mix of casual and formal.
Ah Serge. If a grave can be sexy, this is it.
We saw a storm trooper calmly walking down the street.
This was a dessert at a very delicious and upscale Thai place. Those things that look like ice cubes are indeed ice cubes. Trés strange!!
The Eiffel Tower is really pretty.
Some other observations: you rarely see anyone on their phones (neither talking nor texting) while walking around. And no one walks around with coffee either. There aren't even lids at the take out places!
à bientôt!