Jalapeño, such a delightful fruit

Thanks to White Lightning, I've been doing a new little thing at home: Spicy Lemonade, capital letters very much intended. Here's how it's done: squeeze 6 or 7 lemons (strained!) into a pitcher, add finely minced/chopped/grated jalapeño (1/2 to 3/4 depending on your hot! pleasure level) and small knob of ginger, a torn handful of basil, a squeeze of honey or sugar or agave, fill pitcher with water, serve ice-cold. Drink it straight or top with alcohol when necessary. Ha cha cha. Our new friend Spicy Lemonade is sure to put a spring in your step. Forgive me, I binged on Mad Men this weekend and now all the world's a slogan.

Kobo Jalapeño candle, $34 in store
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