East Side Bride has spoken and given one of our favorite new necklaces, the Bittersweets Dainty Heart Necklace, the stamp of approval. The girl knows what's what, so pay attention folks. I too don't lean towards hearts, but this one sings an entirely different tune than most. West Coast in the house. (I know! She's called East Side Bride but she's on the WEST coast. So confusing!)
And then another stamp approval from the lovely Joanna Goddard from A Cup of Jo - a New York bastion of taste and grace. People do indeed use this ring for a wedding ring - sometimes as a stand in before they decide what they want. Or perhaps they take the whole thing in stride and just want to be real casual about it. But even more than the heart, ring we sell this ring with the husband's first initial as a wedding ring. Which I think is really just the sweetest thing.