Last month I took the ferry over to Staten Island to visit our jeweler Jasmine and her daughter Daisy at their home. Jasmine is such a sweet and gentle soul with so many talents outside of jewelry design. She creates embellished ornaments and illustrations, and even started up a free community library in miniature form!
Title: Jeweler
Time at Catbird: 4 Years
Hometown: Brunswick, ME
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Current song/album on repeat:
While You Were Sleeping by Elvis Perkins/The Beach Boys Pet Sounds. We found this amazing clip of songs from the album being broken down, recorded, and played in full. The editing is so great!
Most vivd childhood memory:
Taking the old velvet upholstered trains through the Japanese countryside to visit my grandparents, and seeing the landscape change from rice fields to lily filled mountainsides.
Hidden Talent:
I love making tiny paper cranes, and sometimes leave them in random places.
Currently reading:
Bill Bryson’s Notes From A Small Island
Favorite film:
Any Studio Ghibli film, they are just so beautiful and remind me of my childhood.
Most visited neighborhood hangout:
We moved to Staten Island last October, and I am quite a homebody so I’d say my backyard! There’s also a lovely farmer's market near the ferry that we like to go to on Saturdays.
Coolest dream:
I had a vivid dream of walking in a park around a small lake and the flower petals were falling all over. The most beautiful and vibrant colors of pink and fuchsia. I’d never had a dream that was so colorful before, and haven't since either!
Staff Picks:
Bittersweets NY Pinky Club Ring I need to get one that says Daisy!
Chain To My Heart Earrings someday...
All Seeing Googly Eye and Genie Lamp Necklace, not to toot my own horn. (From Jasmine's very own line Tiny Saru)
Most valued object: My grandfather’s boat that we sunk into the backyard and filled with flowers. I look out on it from the house every morning and it gives me a peaceful start to the day. Like meditating...