There is absolutely no denying that our bird, Melissa, can build a stack that will make anyone jealous. The best part about her beautiful hands, she's constantly changing her look - switching and mixing rings up, continually creating brand new stacks.
Lets start with Melissa's thumb ring which is a whisper thin Threadbare, $44; next comes her Constellation Stack that lives on her first finger: (bottom to top) Star Ring, $96 in yellow gold; Seed Ring, $215; Dark Side of the Moon Ring, $122; Star Ring, $56 in sterling silver; Twisted Stacker, $64; custom Claire Kinder Studio Ring; First Knuckle Ring; $38 for full size in sterling silver.
Center finger: First Knuckle Ring, $64 in yellow gold; the chain of her Jacquie Aiche Finger Bracelet, $498.
Ring Finger: Threadbare, $44; First Knuckle Ring, $74 for full size in yellow gold; two custom sterling silver pieces.
Pinky Finger: (bottom to top) First Knuckle Ring, $64 in rose gold; Tiny Chain Ring, $64; First Knuckle Ring, $64 in rose gold; Twisted Stacker, $64.
Lets be real Melissa's hands are the epitome of a Catbird hand and don't worry, her other hand will be featured soon enough and perhaps a few more of her looks after that ;) xx coco.