Designer Q&A with Jennifer Sarkilahti of Odette

I love: Bonfires

I loathe: Litterers 

My idea of happiness: Reading in a hammock at the beach

Favorite way to spend a Sunday: Brunch followed by thrift shopping or sitting on a blanket in the park

Favorite brunch spot in Williamsburg:  Diner 

Favorite drink spot in Williamsburg:  I have a soft spot for the margaritas at Five Leaves

What are you reading?  Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch by Henry Miller

What are you listening to?  Daniel Rossen Silent Hour/Golden Mile

What is your style inspiration?  My mom in the 70s and my high school art teacher. Art teachers always seem to have the most interesting jewelry.

What first attracted you to jewelry making?  When I started making jewelry I was a recent Fine Arts grad and it started as a side project from my painting. In the beginning, I was attracted to it as another form of artistic expression but eventually it just sort of took over. 

If you had to describe your aesthetic in three word what would it be?  Textured, hand-drawn, unconventional

What is your favorite piece of jewelry to wear and why?  I’m a big ring collector, I suppose I like them the most because I can always look down and enjoy them. You can always find me wearing either stacks and stacks of rings or one big statement ring.

Best part of creating jewelry?  When a piece that I spent 6 hours carefully carving out of wax is cast in metal. I definitely get a little rush of excitement seeing the design in metal for the first time.  

 Who’s closet would you most like to raid?  Jane Birkin and Michelle Williams.

Who’s jewelry box would you most like to raid?  Nefertiti’s.

 What Catbird piece are you currently coveting?  A Campfire Candle

featured in this post: Klaia Triangle Ring, $110; Ojos Eye Cuff, $164; Round Totem Ring, $70;  Tall Totem Ring, $135

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